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Updated: January 25, 2020



The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is to proclaim to all people the eternal gospel of God's love, in the context of the messages of the three angels messages of Revelation 14: 6-12, as revealed in life, death, resurrection, and high priestly ministry of Jesus Christ, inviting them to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior, and to join their remnant church; and nurture and educate believers as disciples, in preparation for their soon return.

Not upon the ordained minister only rests the responsability of going forth to fulfill this commission. Everyone who has received Christ is called to work for the salvation of his fellow men.

The Acts of the Apostle, p.110
The Holy Spirit urges us to find a ministry whereby the gift can be used to serve others and attract them to Christ. Under this plan there is no hierarchy. Everyone is a minister performing some ministry for which he or she has been specially gifted.